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For Leaders

The Write Stuff 

for Leaders, Entrepreneurs and Innovators

Did you know…

  • Barack Obama wrote in his journal every day to clarify his feelings and goals?
  • Winston Churchill was awarded a Nobel Prize for his inspirational speeches?
  • Captain Jean Luc Picard read Shakespeare when he wasn’t fighting the Borg?

Great literature makes great leaders!

In this 3-hour, benefit-driven workshop, award-winning poet, teacher, and entrepreneur, Tresha Faye Haefner leads you through a fun, meaningful process of discovering your unique strength as a leader. Through the use of writing, creative visualization and movement exercises you will unlock the magic of your most powerful, authentic trailblazing style.

Be ready to move your pen around on paper, try new things, discover surprising clarity, and navigate your way to the “write stuff”.

You will…

  • Explore your unique leadership skills
  • Expand your toolbox to inspire your team’s greatest capabilities
  • Develop more powerful listening, reflecting, and communicating skills
  • Gain confidence in your ability to inspire others
  • Use the power of writing to articulate your vision.

Contact to bring The Write Stuff to your organization.

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